Suvi Pitkola
PhD, Founder, Clinical Director
Occupational Therapist
Hi, I'm
Suvi Pitkola
Doctor of Philosophy
Master in Social Science (Counseling)
Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Therapy
Born in Finland to a family of teachers, I studied occupational therapy and music therapy in Finland before migrating to Singapore in 1996. I fell in love with the enthusiasm and drive of this international city - and of course, the climate. No more cold, dark winters for me!
My masters degree in counseling taught me to understand and support families better, and my PhD research in Autism Spectrum Disorder and engagement gave me the critical thinking skills I need in my work. I also have the highest level of training in the DIR-Floortime method.
In 1999 Kim Nicolson and I founded Kaleidoscope Therapy Centre. Mighty Oaks was born in 2010 when we noticed that there were no programs helping children who were too capable for special education programs but struggled in large mainstream classrooms. Punitha Charles helped me set up our first classroom and she has stayed with me ever since. Arun Suraparaj joined soon after. We have a fantastic team now and I cannot imagine a more dedicated group of people and feel so fortunate to work with them all.
I am the Clinical Director of Kaleidoscope Therapy Centre, Ready Let's Go early intervention, and Mighty Oaks school readiness programs. I'm in charge of all the children and staff and offer parent coaching sessions using the DIR-Floortime method, mainly for our students and those waiting to join us. Please come and visit us soon!
Doctor of Philosophy, 2016. The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Master in Social Science (Counseling), 2002. Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia.
Diploma (1989) and Degree (1994) in Occupational Therapy with a specialty in pediatrics, Helsinki College of Public Health Personnel, Finland.
Degree in Music Therapy, 1994. Sibelius Academy, Kuopio, Finland.
Trainers' Certificate in DIR-Floortime, 2020. Profectum Academy, USA.
Certified in Sensory Integration Theory and Practice. The University of Southern California (2005), USA, and The University of Liverpool, UK (2007).