Training in DIR-Floortime

ARCHIVE - 2020
The first Professional Certificate Course in DIR-Floortime by Profectum in Asia!
This 1-year online certification course by Profectum Academy, USA includes rich webcasts, reflective group discussions and personalised tutoring to ensure application to your cases.
Tuesdays 7-9pm (Singapore time), from the 26th of May, 2020.
Local participants in Singapore have the option of attending face-to-face sessions, whilst overseas participants can sign-in online from the comfort of their own home/ work.
The course will be lead by a highly experienced SLT (Chithra Kathiresan, Profectum faculty) and OT (Suvi Pitkola, Profectum Trainer), both of whom are based in Singapore. They have extensive experience applying DIR Floortime with local cultures, within home, school and clinic-based contexts.
There will also be assigned tutors and guest participation from senior DIR Faculty from across continents. An excellent opportunity for multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural sharing, teaching and learning.
Who is this for?
The DIR-Floortime approach is widely used with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), regulatory disorders, learning difficulties and other developmental challenges. Although prior learning and practice in DIR Floortime is useful, it is not essential.
The certification program is relevant to: Therapists (occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech-language therapists, music therapists, play therapists, educational therapists), autism specialists, psychologists, developmental paediatricians, special-ed teachers, early educators and teacher aides.
$3000 USD for the 1-year program, all inclusive (live classes, webcasts, tutoring). Monthly payment options available.
10% discount for Profectum members.
10% discount if min. 3 people attend from the same organization.
More details:
Link to application form: (Group#56-Kathiresan)
Christie.virtue@profectum.org CL1 Coordinator

This course is a part of the Applied Developmental Play-training. Developmental Play is a method created by Ms. Caroline Essame, an Occupational Therapist & Art Therapist who provides services at Mighty Oaks and Kaleidoscope Therapy Centre. It is possible to access just the Autism-unit. The cost is $45 USD.
Our Director Suvi Pitkola is a co-presenter of the Autism unit. She also introduces two cases, filmed at the Deepti Centre in India. The basic principles of DIR-Floortime are discussed with the children's mothers and teachers.
Introduction (Caroline Clay)
Sensory processing and autism (Caroline Essame)
Developmental play for social and emotional learning and in group dynamics (Caroline Essame, Sue Jennings)
Working with autism (Caroline Essame, Dr. Suvi Pitkola, Monaliza Guze)
More info:
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